Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Worst Blogger Ever

That's me!! Im horrible at it! haha..

Ive started using tumblr, and have a blog there that I track my CrossFit journey that I can easily update with a mobile app. CrossFit has become a big part of my life. I was searching for something for ME..and I found it. I will NOT say that its easy to get myself and all 3 kids there everyday, I miss plenty of classes due to a sick child or just plane crankiness..but when I make it..I feel like superwoman..and damn it, I should!!! My OB asked me, 'If you were in a plane that was crashing, the air masks drop...what would you do?' Of course I said, 'put the masks on my kids!' Easy answer..'Well, what good will you do for them when they are all ready with their air masks and your there on the floor,? You need to make sure YOU are taken care of, to take care of them'

HA, easier said that done...but he is right. Im a better Mother when I take care of myself. A girlfriend of mine posted a blog about a rough day she had, in every word I could relate. Every. Single. Word.
It happens and Ive been there more times than I'd like to admit..we spend so much time on everything else, we become last place, and very often no place at all. Its so hard to find time for US as mothers and wives..but we really have to do it. Like I said, I struggle daily..but man is it such a great thing when it does happen..everyone is happy when Mama is happy! :D

So, of course I will keep this blog for the occasion I can swing on here and jot some thoughts down..but if you'd like, you can check out my tumblr..

I started the strength class which is my Deadlift PR of 230..I know I can do more. Im excited TO do more! CrossFit has changed my life..not just any CrossFit, but South Sound CrossFit, the people there..especially my coaches Kristi and Brandon..its more like the biggest, motivational and encouraging family you could have...the loudest cheers are for the last to finish..its true!