Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Have you heard?

Of  Melaleuca??

Let me start off my telling you how I was introduced. When we were planning our road trip, my cousin told me, I have to tell you about something when you come visit Idaho! So, once we made it there, I was able to sit down for a while and talk with him. I first noticed after washing my hands in the bathroom their soap smelled so good and felt so good on my hands, then I read the label and it was Melaleuca (Mel-a-lou-ca) he then began telling me about the company. Based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Melaleuca is aiming to give families the chance to buy Green, eco friendly, natural products.

For example, you can get the Laundry soap, does 96 loads and its $16. I spent $11 on my Tide that did 45 loads..uhh..hello? And the part that I love, is everything is made in the US. How often can we find stuff, especially for our homes that are made right next door in Idaho, have no harmful chemicals, and are good for our family? The cleaning products are so safe, they dont have childproof lids! And IF your child managed to swallow some, you flush with water. Now that's safe. That was a pretty big selling point for me. I do keep all my cleaners locked up(and still will even though these are safe), but I just read on my Lysol that I have to wash any surfaces that may come in contact with food?! Yikes!! No formaldehyde, ammonia, chlorine, there are no abrasives and they are ph-balanced. Their product called Sol-U-Mel does everything from removing laundry stains(like my husband gets those armpit stains on his white t-shirts..haha, best example) to getting permanent marker off the wall, cleans your kitchen cabinets or cleans your carpet, deoderize your garbage can or remove the grease(even tar!) from your husbands jeans. I like the fact that I can use one product to do so many different things.

They have everything from food, house hold cleaners, make-up that compares to bare minerals(My cousins wife was a big MAC Makeup fan and has switched, Make up isnt too high on my priority list, but glad to know there is an option!), vitamins, medicines(Their Counter Act Allergy is compared to Claritin, except instead of spending $20 you spend $10!) bath and body care(I love the Affinia shampoo..makes my hair super soft..and for curly hair, that is a necessity!), dental care, deodorants(no harmful chemicals that they are linking to Breast Cancer in women!), perfumes so much!

So in a nutshell, I partnered with my cousin in deciding to try a different shopping approach. Im taking the money I spend at Target/Walmart/Fred Meyer, and spending it here. On better products! There is no shows to host or anything, it is shipped directly to you and you enjoy safe, natural products for your home that are made right next door in Idaho Falls, Idaho(There is also a plant in Salt Lake City, Utah and Kentucky)
If you arent satisfied (highly doubt it, haha) you have 90 days, and you can stop your orders at anytime. I like that, since I dont like to 'HAVE' to do anything for a certain amount of time, I like to feel in control. ;) These are products that are sold all over the world, so they offer their shopping in a points system. Each month you order 35 points worth of items, about $50 (I spend more than that at Target/Walmart on who knows where its coming from or whats in it) There is an annual $29 membership fee (like Costco) but for the month of October, its just $1! Let me know if you are interested in any more information, I'd be happy to share! :)

I have been looking for something like this for a while, a more healthy alternative to all the chemicals that we are exposed to, and Im so glad my cousin showed me so I thought I would spread the word, especially to my friends with little ones at home! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well, I have been one busy bee since I last blogged!
And, I have turned on the TV for my children and it will probably remain on, almost all day. I have a lot of little things to do today and Little Einsteins, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Super Why, Bubble Guppies, Octonauts..they are going to assist me in getting my little things done today. :) That, and I told the kids we were going to have a lazy PJ day since we have been so busy the last few weeks. So, think what you want..but hey..atleast I didnt turn on SpongeBob!

Let's see, Ill start back with the wedding. Shayna and I were able to take pictures at a wedding for an old friend from Elementary/Jr/High school friend, and it was sooooo much fun!! Lucky for us another couple we knew from school was there, and it was just such a fun night!  Was a nice break for me before the big road trip to have some Mommy Free time! :D I believe the married couple got 1200+ pictures, and I hope they loved every single one as much as we loved taking them! I could use another night like that! (Jesica, we are going to plan our night out..we're gonna show ya how to git r done Eatonville style! hehe)
On Sunday, Shayna and I spent 8+ hours editing and going thru all the pictures, I didnt want to make them wait until I returned from my road trip for their pictures, so we dedicated ALL day Sunday to it. Man, staring at a computer for that long could be a hard job..but when you are looking over pictures and thinking about a fun day..it wasnt much work at all! The bride looked stunning, the bridal party was gorgous in their purple and the groomsmen looked sharp in their tuxes! It was perfect! :) You can see pictures on our facebook page! www.facebook.com/rusticimagesphotography

Then Monday my Dad, my kids and I headed out! We didnt leave until around Noon so we only made it to Pendleton, Oregon that day. The following day we went into Boise to see my Grandparents, they took us to dinner and I had Lamb meatballs..omg..so yummy. From there we went to spend the night at my cousins house, and the next day we were aiming for Salt Lake City, Utah. Well, we got up at 6am, loaded the kids and hit the road. Arrived in Salt Lake City, which is the craziest freeway system I've ever seen, plus they were doing construction, after seeing the Mormon Temple from the freeway, we said screw it, lets drive on. I will go back, I want to explore that city when my Husband, who isnt scared of crowds when driving is there to drive me around ;-) We then drove a bit passed Salt Lake and my dad said, lets just drive straight thru to Vegas. Didnt sound like too bad of an idea..until we didnt get there until 9:30 that night!! 630-930 on the road..PUKE. haha. Thankful my kids are such experts at traveling, it went very well.
We drove 769 miles that day.

So, as I was saying Wednesday night we pulled into Vegas late, I passed out and woke up Thursday morning to the heat of Vegas! We explored Vegas for the next few days, Sean flew in very early Saturday morning, and we had lunch with my friend that lives there. It went by very quickly, as vacation always does. Sunday we left early to head for Lancaster, CA to visit Sean's Aunt and Cousin. That was fun, we had dinner, the kids played and we enjoyed the CA heat! After dinner we left for Anaheim where my grandparents and parents were with the RV. We all hit the hay early, since the following day, it was Disneyland!!
In a nutshell, the kids had the time of their lives, we had a wonderful time and I cant wait to go back. I really love Disneyland. Not many places an adult can go and feel like a child ;-) Plus we got to see the new Cars Land..which felt like you were walking right in the movie, it was awesome!!
On Thursday morning we left Anaheim for San Fransisco! I wont forget that leg of the trip..it was amazing. :) I want to go back and visit that city as well. The houses, everything is just awesome!
Friday we spent the morning in San Fran, and then around 2pm left for home. We made it to Central Point Oregon and stayed there for the night. Got home Saturday evening..and I have been exhausted since. haha!

My computer is being annoying and wont let me add pictures to this, so Im going to end it here, I added pictures to my facebook page, so you can always see them there :)