Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Graduate and New Beginnings!

Stacy May Photography --> Rustic Images Photography

Partnered up with my dear friend Shayna in this endeavor. :) We are doing a wedding next weekend, and got to thinking what fun it could be if we started working together all the time! It will be nice when we have a big family to have someone standing behind me(or vice versa) snapping pictures from a different angle, or making those goofy noises to get the kids to look at us. :) It will be great for the both of us and our friends/family that would like pictures taken! I will probably stick to the editing, although would love to teach her if she was curious :) I ordered some new business cards, as you can see from above! Taking pictures is something Shayna and I have done since we first became friends many (about 15) years ago. Old film cameras to 2 mega pixel cell phones, to now our nice cameras and our nice cell phones! That's just us! She was a perfect fit for a partner and Im excited! We spent Monday night shopping for new outfits for the wedding too..Im so excited for that..and to be honest, a tad nervous. :) Speaking of weddings, I saw this video on pinterest...Omg. How beautiful. 

Baby Thor, not so baby, 5 month 58lb baby Thor, graduated from Beginner education last night! Woo Hoo!  I signed him up for Intermediate classes, firstly because it was $30 off, haha, but mostly because I've seen such a big improvement, I'd like to continue that. This dog is really costing us a small fortune, but he is worth it :) I spent $107 on him at Mud Bay between his food and digestive supplements to try to calm down his sometimes nervous stomach..haha. Lordy. 

Well, I better get motivated, I mailed a check a week ago and the recipient still hasnt recieved it and I must find out why! :) Tomorrow is Friday..So thankful for that!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Guns and Jeeps

Sean didnt come home last night. :(
He didnt get off work until 10:15pm. So, why make him drive an hour home just to go to sleep, so he went to my parents and spent the night there. I hate when he isnt home, but it isnt as bad now that I have my protector Thor and Sean bought a hand gun. Someone comes in my house..they're gonna wish they didnt! That's for sure! Im not afraid to protect my family if I needed too..but I also dont find the situation too likely out here where we live. I get more nervous in Federal Way at my parents has that area went waaayy down hill from when I lived there during school. I cant wait until my parents move out this way.

In fact, this is the gun Sean and I picked out for myself to purchase once I get my concealed weapons permit. Cause let me tell you, if Im in a situation where I need to protect my children, I would not be afraid for one minute to bust this little sucker's kind of cute huh? Its a Ruger LCR .38 Special..they also come in pink ;-) Plus it would be nice to pack while Im bow hunting..cause I wont survive trying to stab a bear or cougar to death with an arrow if I ran into

Anyway, on Sunday Sean and I bought a brand new Jeep Liberty. We traded in the Suburban, which had 100k miles on it and we still owed 3 years on our loan. Our new Jeep payments are less than the suburban, Larson is having a great deal on these Jeep liberties because they arent making them anymore. So they are offering huge rebates. I love the Jeep..if anyone is looking into a new 4x4 ..go see Kevin Wagner at Larson in Puyallup :) Anyway, this Jeep has a full warranty for the life of the loan, which is 5 years, so not much more than we were going to be paying on the Burban anyway(plus, less for a brand new car each month or keep paying for a car that is going to start needing expensive repairs..). And it only had like 80 miles on it. It is a big downsize, but, in reality, I never used most of the Suburban to its full potential. It was a huge Rig to be driving around as a ''daily' driver. This Jeep will save us money in many Im partial to Jeeps. My Wrangler was my favorite vehicle I've ever I feel back at home. :) I was looking into Vans with the TV and things, but Sean made a good point..I cant drive a van over East of the mountains in the snow to go hunting up a back, there went that idea :)

Well, I better go enjoy my 2nd up of coffee before it gets too cold :) If Sean has a super late night again, Im headed to my parents..have a great weekend!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Quick Takes

Im going to try out this quick takes for today..since it is Friday, and that's when 'Quick Takes' are set to happen per this site here :)

I am already on my second cup of coffee for today. Why? Well, my poor Husband did not get home until 10:30 last night. He didnt even get off work until 20 til 10. Grrr UPS, get your stuff together!!!! By the way, as long as I am keeping this blog, just be forewarned I may complain about his job a lot, but please know that I am very grateful for it. He makes extremely good money, overtime is even better and our benefits are top notch. Im just complaining because I myself am tired, my two children and myself missed seeing their Daddy last night and I had to put them to bed without their story and 'blowing out the light' routine Daddy usually does. I did my best, made them popcorn AND let them have cookies and milk (spoiled!) but of course, Im boring ole Mom who they have been with ALL day. :D
In a nutshell, I look forward to Sean coming home from the moment he kisses me goodbye in the morning, so yesterday was a long day. :)

In a few hours an old friend from Junior High and High School is coming over and allowing me to photograph her sweet little baby boy!! Im so excited! Last weekend I was able to take pictures of Blake's little brother Luke! What a cute little man! Im loving seeing old friends and their little babe's!

Hatfields and McCoys..was a TV series, I bought Sean the DVD, and I loved it!! I may even have blogged a bit about it before, but I finished it. Love it. Watch it. Do it. I am team Hatfield by the way ;-)

We had a couple visitors in our yard, how cool :) The kids enjoyed watching them eat all our dandelions, since our grass is dead. Wish they would have kept eating them..haha.

So, obviously this isnt the best picture, since not everyone is looking, haha, but these are my Dad's parents. They live in Idaho, and my Grampa is a Representative. You can see Here a little bit of info about him. We had a short and sweet visit the other weekend. I made him a scrap book of all his political stuff and my Grama brought more stuff for me to add. We are going there in October on our way to Las Vegas to meet up with the family.

Every morning the kids choose their breakfast, and this week they have been stuck with Eggo waffles because I REALLY need to go get groceries, I dont even have bread! And everyday this week I have heard, after about 15 minutes of giving them their waffles, 'Silas, are you gonna eat your waffle!?' with a 'No, you can eat it!' in reply. He never eats the whole thing and sister likes to finish..I can almost time it.

We are headed into town to my parents today to visit my Dad. My Mom has made it to Tennessee and is at Dolly Wood today.
I have to pack 2 kids, 2 adults and 2 dogs. Should be fun. :) We are helping my Dad re-organize and tear up some carpet. Tomorrow we have a birthday party and Im going to the night service at my Aunt and Uncle's church and Sunday on the way home I am going to get groceries...gonna be a FAST weekend! Hope its a good one :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Is what I was today, and I enjoyed every minute! :) I even took a nap! Ha! I have stayed in my sweats all day, only did 1 load of laundry, unloaded my dishwasher and loaded it, baked peanut butter cookies from scratch and just threw a spaghetti casserole in the oven.
I see the little specks of dust that are starting to show on my black TV stand..but ya know can wait until tomorrow! This 3 day weekend was great, it went by too fast, and Im just simply still tired from it.
So, when Sean gets home, he probably wont think anything since the kids have kept their 'toy mess' in their toy room today(not sure how I got lucky with that..because Mama just simply shuts that door and doesnt look at the mess! Kids are required to help me pick it up though when it comes to that time, or if they dont, toys go bye bye and get donated to kids that would appreciate them more).
He probably wont realize that today, I actually didnt do much at all. It was so nice, since now it is almost 5, and he will be home within 3 hours, at the most, I hope.
I have tomorrow and Thursday to get all my ''chores'' done..which wont take me that long, so it looks like I have an easy week ahead of me :D Shhh dont tell my Husband!
Friday me and the kids will head to town and go Birthday present shopping and get our weekly batch of veggies. I have been roasting whole pans of veggies, mushrooms, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, shallots, garlic..soooooooo yummy. My favorite is the garlic, I really love oven roasted garlic.

And since Im going with the 'Lazy' theme, I will cut this blog post short. But, I leave you with this,
Stay At Home Mama's...
Do yourself a favor, dont take a shower while both your kids are awake. Because, your oldest just may want to pretend she is a Dr, and that her little brother needs marker surgery.
That is all.