Thursday, September 13, 2012

Guns and Jeeps

Sean didnt come home last night. :(
He didnt get off work until 10:15pm. So, why make him drive an hour home just to go to sleep, so he went to my parents and spent the night there. I hate when he isnt home, but it isnt as bad now that I have my protector Thor and Sean bought a hand gun. Someone comes in my house..they're gonna wish they didnt! That's for sure! Im not afraid to protect my family if I needed too..but I also dont find the situation too likely out here where we live. I get more nervous in Federal Way at my parents has that area went waaayy down hill from when I lived there during school. I cant wait until my parents move out this way.

In fact, this is the gun Sean and I picked out for myself to purchase once I get my concealed weapons permit. Cause let me tell you, if Im in a situation where I need to protect my children, I would not be afraid for one minute to bust this little sucker's kind of cute huh? Its a Ruger LCR .38 Special..they also come in pink ;-) Plus it would be nice to pack while Im bow hunting..cause I wont survive trying to stab a bear or cougar to death with an arrow if I ran into

Anyway, on Sunday Sean and I bought a brand new Jeep Liberty. We traded in the Suburban, which had 100k miles on it and we still owed 3 years on our loan. Our new Jeep payments are less than the suburban, Larson is having a great deal on these Jeep liberties because they arent making them anymore. So they are offering huge rebates. I love the Jeep..if anyone is looking into a new 4x4 ..go see Kevin Wagner at Larson in Puyallup :) Anyway, this Jeep has a full warranty for the life of the loan, which is 5 years, so not much more than we were going to be paying on the Burban anyway(plus, less for a brand new car each month or keep paying for a car that is going to start needing expensive repairs..). And it only had like 80 miles on it. It is a big downsize, but, in reality, I never used most of the Suburban to its full potential. It was a huge Rig to be driving around as a ''daily' driver. This Jeep will save us money in many Im partial to Jeeps. My Wrangler was my favorite vehicle I've ever I feel back at home. :) I was looking into Vans with the TV and things, but Sean made a good point..I cant drive a van over East of the mountains in the snow to go hunting up a back, there went that idea :)

Well, I better go enjoy my 2nd up of coffee before it gets too cold :) If Sean has a super late night again, Im headed to my parents..have a great weekend!


  1. My dad bought me the same gun... love it, but mine has a wood handle. I would hate to mess with any Mama with a gun if someone ever broke in!

  2. Dang right! ;-) Do you like it?? I think its perfect size for me :) Sean's Glock(or however its spelt) is too big for a pack gun for me..
