Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thank You Elves in Brown

I started to write this post last week, before here is what I had before I had to log off to tend to the kiddos.. :)

My husband hasn't come home, all week. He has stayed in Auburn with my parents, who live 15 minutes from his building. Getting off at close to 10 is pointless to drive an hour home just to go to sleep. But the kids and I have missed him. We did go see him on Wednesday and stayed the night there as well, but came home for a couple planned play dates that we didn't want to reschedule. My only hope, is that the people who wait until Wednesday to order their gifts, realize what their UPS guy has to go to to get their package to their door. And I mean the whole company of course, and that IS their job, but still, I miss my hubby this time of year. The month of December I turn into Single Mom by week. Thankfully my kids understand, they do miss Daddy incredibly, but know he is helping Santa deliver boxes to little kids. I also tell them about our military, how there are Men and Women who are in far away countries and their little kids dont get to see them at Christmas, so we have to be very thankful that even though we miss him, he is close by and we can enjoy him all weekend!

Now here it is Thursday the 27th, and Christmas is over, boo, I love this time of year, and this one was especially fun with the kids. Silas was very into the whole gift thing, and I got an absolute kick out of watching him open his presents. Sean had to work until 10pm on Christmas Eve (a lady told him, go home to your family! as he delivered her a box, and I asked why he didnt tell her, dont wait until the last minute to order something and I would be at home! haha)
So the kids and I did all the Christmas Eve things without Daddy :( We made Sugar cookies for Santa, read all our Christmas stories, and I tucked them in for bed. It was a bit of a challenge at first because of the excitement of everything, but they finally went to sleep and I got to enjoy a bit of quiet time watching Christmas movies. We went to Sean's parents for Christmas day, and came home late to a house full of STUFF everywhere. I had to ignore it and go to bed, I could conquer that the next day. Which, Sean was able to get Wednesday off, so that was such a nice treat. He deserved it. The day was unpaid, but he worked enough overtime last week to cover it. I had to go to the Dr yesterday because I was pretty sure I had a UTI, and I did, but I also wanted to talk to him about a scary episode I had at church on Sunday. I was sweating bullets and my vision was going in and out, and jelly legs..was very scary, but the baby is ok, still at 143bpm so we are still betting its a boy, but those are just wives tales..will know for sure on the 28th of January! :)



  1. We left cookies and a thank you note for our UPS man because I felt bad that Kyle ordered something on Friday that was delivered to our house on Christmas Eve... and it was MY gift! Men, and their last minute shopping!!! We appreciate the men in brown!!!

  2. That's so sweet..and you have no idea how much that probably changed your drivers day! :D They knew the duties when they took the job..but I was still sad without him that late.
    And Sean went out shopping for my present the Saturday before Christmas...procrastinators..hehe ;) Let me know when you want to go over some camera tricks!!!
