Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Long over due update

Wow, I havent blogged in over a month! I better do this bullet style :)

  • Back in March, my poor Siara got sick with the pukey thing, only lasted a day for her, and I didnt get it, or anyone else...that we thought! After a whole day of her not being sick, I was decorating the baby's area of the boys room when I started to not feel good. So I laid the kids down for a nap and went to try and take one myself. I woke up feeling hot, so I grabbed a bowl and ran into the bathroom anticipating this awful stomach flu that was going to come. And I was right. I wont go into too much detail, but I was throwing up every 20 minutes and I couldn't keep anything, not even a tablespoon of pedialite down. This was at about 2pm. All I could think was, Oh I have at least 5 hours until Sean gets home, what am I going to do?! When the kids woke up, I turned on cartoons and told them they could have any snack they wanted, that Mommy would be in her bedroom, or the bathroom, and left Siara in charge of my cell phone. I have taught her how to call Sean or 911 in case of an emergency. Sean called to check on me as often as he could, and thankfully he got home at 6:30 that night. He took over the childcare and I tried to rest, get some fluids in, but, every 20 minutes running to the bathroom wasnt allowing it. Around 10pm, I started thinking if this didnt end soon I was going to need to call L&D and see if I should come in. The next time I puked there was blood in the toilet so I threw on my jacket and said lets go, Im not taking any chances. My Mom came and got me so Sean could stay home with the sleeping babies and gave me a ride to the ER where I was whisked away immediately to L&D to be checked out. Obviously, I was severely dehydrated so they pumped me with two bags of fluids and some nausea medicine and hooked me up to monitor the baby. Thankfully, he was ok. His heart rate was high, as was mine, but after resting and the IV it went back down to normal. It took me a good few days to fully recover from that. My body hurt so badly, that much frequent puking with a baby growing did a number on me! (The trip to the ER was on a Thursday) 
  • That Sunday, my Dad called me and said, 'When you were sick, did your arms go numb? Mine are going numb all the way down to my middle finger' I said, NO, go to the ER at St Francis! He told me, oh Ill see how it goes, so of course I got upset at him and said to go, arms going numb isn't normal!! My Mom texted me at 11:30 that night and said, ok we're going. So, I stayed awake, waiting for an update. Found out, my Dad had recently had a heart attack so they were going to admit him. I slept as much as I could, and when the kids woke up the next morning we headed to the hospital, where I found out my Dad had pulmonary embolisms, multiple blood clots in each lung, with one large one in his right lung. UGH! Just what I needed to hear! My Dad ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days, and we visited each day. The kids loved eating at the cafeteria, haha. During that time my Dad quit chewing tobacco..Thank God! My Dad had to start on blood thinning meds right away, and then had to continue to give himself shots at home for another week until his blood levels got between a 2-3. He will continue to take Coumadin for the next until his next cat scan to check the clots, so my Mom ordered him a medical bracelet stating that he is on blood thinners in case he falls or gets hurt at work. Its actually a really nice one too! 
  • Now we are in April, my Dad went back to work this Monday, after 3 weeks off and we are finally getting our lives back in order. :) The kids both have snotty colds, but otherwise we are doing great here. Baby boy is keep active in my belly, which I love.I registered Siara for kindergarten  man Im going to be one emotional wreck on the first day of school..why does time have to be so cruel?! Siara also started TBall so twice a week we have practice and games on Saturdays and some Thursdays. SO much fun. I asked Silas if he wanted to play when he was bigger, his response, Yea, Ill play but Im gonna play Hockey too. Im not too sure where he picked up on the Hockey, haha. He is such a fun little boy, I sometimes cant stand it..he has such an imagination, I love watching him play with his toys and listening to the things he says as he plays. My kids give me such joy. :) Well, I guess thats all I have time to write about today..hopefully Ill be able to update more in the near future instead of in another month! :)

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