Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I will be talking about pregnancy stuff this post, if you dont want to read turn away now! :) (That means you little brother!)

Ah, Im finally at a point where I feel comfortable spreading the news :) I know 10 weeks is still in my first tri, but I am too excited to keep it in any longer. Yesterday I went to my OB and got to see the little heartbeat again, I first saw it in mid October after I found out I had a couple bacterial infections they checked on the baby then to see how it was doing. My OB about gave me a heart attack though because he looked at the screen and said Im Sorry with a deep breath and my heart sank, but he then said This monitor does not want to move the way it needs to so you can see, I about punched his leg! haha. I love my OB so I had to give him a hard time for scaring me! Its such a beautiful little sight that tiny little flutter on the screen! :D This time around, I couldn't tell I was pregnant, plus I had some spotting/light bleeding when I should have started before I left on my road trip, so I thought I was getting away with a light period. Which, has happened to me before. I went thru our trip and didnt have any more bleeding, just one other time but it wasn't much, but towards the end of it, I told Sean..ok, I might be pregnant. I made a Dr appointment for when I got home because I was 99% positive I had a bladder infection, which I did. They did blood work and confirmed what I had started to suspect. I went back a couple weeks later for an ultrasound and more blood work  saw my little peanut for the first time and was so excited, scared, oh my gosh..Disneyland, did I hurt the baby..Thankfully while in Vegas I didn't feel like drinking much, it was too hot and all I wanted was water!! But I had all these thoughts of Oh Crap moments! Apparently, I had gotten pregnant right before I left, so my little one was just forming while I was at Disneyland and my Dr said, don't worry, everything should be just fine! :) According to the 'text book' of first day of last period counting methor, I should be further along, but apparently I ovulated later. Either way, the measurements of the baby put us at a June 15th due date and Sean is so excited. He has wanted a summer baby so bad. Vacation at UPS during the summer is hard to come by, they go by seniority and Sean has a long ways to go. But FMLA overrides Seniority, so Seany will get 5 weeks of Summer vacation! He is very excited. We just keep praying for our little one, that it grows to be a healthy, happy little baby, Siara prays for a sister, hehe. Its the sweetest thing watching her pray, especially when she gives her Thanks and asks God for "a little baby sister to love" We did explain to her that God is in control and its His choice whether we have a boy or a girl and at the beginning had to give her the speech about how God gives, and God takes, just in case I had a miscarriage. Her reply, ok Mom, God is the boss. Haha, yes honey, pretty much ;-)

Im currently battling the so tired I almost cant move and the nausea stage. Mr Silas I was sick, puking sick for 5 months. Siara I was sick for a week. This one I have been nauseated every single day, but haven't been throwing up sick but maybe twice, and that was mostly when I was taking those nasty meds for my infections. Food is not something Im crazy about, minus bagels and cream cheese, I have that everyday. I cant drink home brewed coffee..just the thought makes me sick to my stomach. But, a single shot iced white mocha hits the spot...weird. Im getting after my housework is spells. I sweep and mop, then take a break. I vacuum take a break, you get the picture. :) Names? Boy, pretty sure will be Samuel Walter, and a girl..I dont know yet..lol. There are some names I like, but just cant find an S name that Im in love with. Do we have to do another S name? I dont know..people tell me the baby will feel left out..Well, Seans sibligs are two S and an M, so maybe I should pick an M name. My Dad is the only T in a family of S names..so hey, we will just have to see. :)

Shayna took some cute pictures of us, www.facebook.com/rusticimagesphotography


  1. Congratulations Stacy! I'm so happy you decided (and God decided) to have another baby! I hope and pray you feel better soon and that the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing. If your baby waits until June 23rd to appear we will share a bday :) I wonder when our 10 year reunion will be happening? I hope you can still make it!

    Congrats again :) I'm so excited to hear all the pregnancy stuff so don't hold back! yay!

  2. P.S.
    I LOVE the pic of Sean kissing you. Very sweet and awesome! :)

  3. So excited for the new baby!!! You have two beautiful children and no doubt that the 3rd will be just as special. My vote is on a girl... dont know why, but if it is, then I get to go buy girly things for you!!!! Something that I never get to do :) Kayleen is right... the picture of Sean kissing you is so sweet! Hope to see you soon!!!
