Well, a little bit of a pregnancy update. When I went to the Dr to talk about my scare I had at Church and my UTI, I 'spilled sugar' in my urine...gaah no, please no I dont want the Gestational Diabetes..he asked what I had for lunch, and I told him, which he said was a good lunch so he wanted me to come back in a week to check for my UTI and he would check my sugar level then too. At this time I was
+2. One thing I forgot to mention to him, was that I had just guzzled down a Grande White Mocha..Iced and I didn't say Non-Fat milk..oops...I wonder if that had anything to do with it? Anyway, I take my antibiotics and start looking into the fact, what if I have Gestational Diabetes, so I started looking at what I have been eating and, well..Im eating a pretty diabetic friendly diet! I havent craved anything sweet this pregnancy(and yes, I know that fruits, veggies, all those things can be bad for a diabetic depending on amounts and which ones..like Peas..oh darn, I'll have to skip eating those).
My two main cravings are sausage and eggs and Tacos..but Im talking tacos from the Taco truck, authentic, just meat, cilantro, onion on a small tortilla with a huge squirt of lime. Mmm..8:30am and now Im wanting some tacos. Anyway..those are my main cravings and I dont eat them everyday anyway. If Im eating anything that isn't so diabetic friendly, its usually for lunch I have a glass of whole milk and a peanut butter sandwich. I will be sad to see that go if I do have it. So I went back a week later, UTI was gone, but my sugar was still +2..I had a cup of half decaf coffee and two pieces of toast with peanut butter right before I went in. He says Im a couple weeks early to be having the gestational diabetes set it, I am in my 2nd trimester, but it
usually doesnt come for a few more weeks. So, he ordered that dreadful glucose test, blah. My nurse gave me Fruit punch, which actually wasnt too bad, so I chugged it down Friday morning and Siara and I left for the blood draw. We kind of made a Mommy/Daughter day out of it and went out for breakfast afterwards at the Pancake House, which, she loved because my eggs came with 3 pancakes and she ate almost all of them.
Now its Monday, so I should hear my results today. Im nervous, but not..all I know is I do not want to carry the chance of having diabetes AFTER the baby is born, so I dont care if I cant eat another dang cookie (Which I havent really eaten, except for a sugar cookie or too of Santas..oops hehe) I will miss: Starbucks White Mochas. I just love those things..but, I know that I could have a sugar free mocha! Im just trying to be positive about it..just in case I have to deal with it. :) Otherwise, Im feeling great..I can wake up and not feel sick if I dont eat as soon as I get out of bed, I dont
have to nap everyday, but I sure to try to squeeze in a few minutes while the kids are napping..just because! I still haven't for sure felt the baby move yet, I thought I may have the other day, but wasn't super distinct. Siara asks me everyday how the baby is, I cant wait until the baby is bigger and she can see my belly jiggle when the baby gets the hiccups or kicks..she is going to love it! UPDATE: NO diabetes!!!! Yay! They also did a study on my blood forgot what it's called and that came back great too..yippee..still going to be careful since I will have to do the test again at the normal time :)
Anyway, on Friday after the Dr and our breakfast we went to Verizon and I went to the dark side, I got the iPhone 4s. I debated long and hard between the 4s and 5, and in the end, besides the 4s only be $99 as apposed to $199 for the 5, I realized there wasnt too much of a difference. Same camera, same processor, the 5 is 4g the 4s is 3g..big deal. By the time I have a new upgrade the iPhone 7 or something will be out. I love it though. My kids love it, especially Siara who has inherited my Ipod Touch fully loaded with parental locks, she will run into her bedroom and FaceTime me or her Papa. She FaceTime-d me while I was at Fred Meyer to let me know that Daddy was doing chores..very funny. :) On Saturday when we did some running around, my brother bought me this case, which I love, of course, as a late Christmas present! :D He had planned to buy me a case but waited, just incase I got the 5 instead of the 4s.

Here is Silas taking self portraits, I have about 10 more I could share..haha.
This, is me at Siara's age, but Sean thinks Silas looks a lot like me in this picture, and that we should grow his hair out..uh, NO. haha.