Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dreams and Things

Let me tell you, this pregnancy has been full of some of the craziest, wildest dreams! Like, seriously! Off the wall stuff! Last night, I had a dream I was at Target and ran into Golden Tate(Seahawks), who was looking depressed, so I pulled him aside and gave him this long motherly lecture about how the whole team should be proud of their run, they did so great! It was like a motherly talk about how he didn't need to be depressed, he needed to be proud, I woke up like..uhh..What the heck! haha.
Other dreams include me holding my new baby, a boy, with brown hair and brown eyes (we find out on the 28th!) or a dream about Siara finding a new Mommy..that one I didnt like, haha. I also have dreams that make absolutely no sense, like zombies and all that in one part and then Im at the beach in another, just crazy stuff.

I met up with my parents at Target over the weekend so my Mom could borrow my carpet shampooer, and my Dad and I were looking at Baby stuff, probably because I grabbed Silas a pack of Diapers and thats where he found me. Anyway, we were looking at the baby carriers, I really think I will need one of these this go around. Im not one to sit around, and I think wearing/carrying the little baby will be good when Im trying to navigate my two older, very busy children thru the store. I was chuckling a little bit at my Dad who was analyzing these carriers. Im interested in the Moby Wrap(I have to do some more research about it, like  how to use the darn thing, but the material feels so comfy), he says it doesn't look like it has as much support as the Baby Bjorn..I was just cracking up, he was reading boxes and everything. I realize they probably didnt have these when I was younger, but it was still a fun moment with my Dad. We looked at other things and he was very impressed at the car seat snuggler that keeps the baby nice and warm, I think Eddie Bauer makes it.

Sean signed up for an NRA membership and with it comes with a nice duffle bag that says NRA on it, he is excited, he says it will be his new diaper bag..haha.

Shayna and I are contemplating a cute gender announcement for this little baby, I've seen some very cute ideas on Pinterest, Im just having a hard time deciding which one! Speaking of this little baby, it gave me a scare at my appointment last week! I brought the kids in with me because they enjoy seeing my Dr too, and the nurse let Siara do my blood pressure and all that fun stuff, but she couldn't find the babies heartbeat! So she said, Ill let the Dr do it. Ok..Im starting to get a little nervous..Dr comes in chats with the kids, then starts to look for the heartbeat, which, he doesnt find after searching all over my belly. He tells me he is going to get his ultrasound machine. Im laying on the table, praying, God, I know you are in control, you give and you take, but please let the baby be ok! And thinking, IF something was wrong, how I needed to keep my composure for the kids. So, he comes back with the machine, quietly sets it up, and starts looking, I see the baby and Im looking for the heartbeat, I see a flicker and Im like, 'there, thats it right!' and he tells me, that it was, he knew there was a heart beat cause he heard it, he just couldnt get the thing to pick up long enough to count the beats per minute. So he did the measurements of the open and closing of the valves and the baby was at 137bpm..and I told him I was gonna punch him in the leg for scaring me, he could have said, I hear the heart just cant get a good reading. He kind of laughed and explained that the little babe had its spine facing upwards, so it was doing a good job blocking out his tiny little heart detector thing. *WHEW!* I really do love my Dr he is great. And another good thing, I didn't have any sugar in my urine, which was good. I ate scrambled eggs, with cheese and some avocado for breakfast before I went and had black coffee (thanks Aubri for the suggestion) even though I cant stand black coffee, I did it. haha.

Today we go to Ballet, so I better get my chores done..which includes daily sweeping and mopping thanks to my 80# shedding machine puppy..oiy. He graduates from intermediate puppy school on Saturday, he is going great, very well behaved and obedient, especially on the leash which is nice. :) Ok enough rambling, Im obviously trying to keep from my chores ;-)


  1. I use the Ergo carrier and I love it. I did not have a carrier with Blake, but decided to get one with Luke, and I LOVE it. You can use it on the front or back, and it is way easier then wrapping yourself up in one of those really long wrap carriers... It is a little on the spendy side, but all organic material, and the weight goes up to 45 lbs... I used it with Blake when we went to Hawaii when we were hiking (he was 2) and it was super easy! Helpful to get things done as a busy mama when you dont have enough hands!!

  2. Oooh, I like that, Thank you Jesica! This is what I want, I want one I can carry from Infant which this says I can, and the one I had for Silas suggests you dont use it until the baby can hold its head up, it was a cheap one I got at WalMart, I only used it a few times with Silas when we would hike and it wasnt comfortable :( I also like that the weight goes up to a good amount too, I could get a lot of use out of it..cause Im not going to let 3 kids stop me from going to target, Ill strap one on, in a cart, to my leg, whatever.. ;-) Thanks Jes!!!
