Tuesday, January 24, 2012


..The cookies, that is! Sean said they were perfect!! :) Whatever this is Im battling has me very tired. I will get spurts of energy, get some things done, then I have to sit down and rest or I start to feel even worse.

You know, Im also having this internal battle with parenting/my kids. Let me start by saying this, my son..is something else. Every time I look at him, I smile. Even when he has dumped out ALL his blocks after I just picked up his bedroom, or emptied my whole purse..he always has this look on his face that I just cant explain, but it literally breaks my heart(in a good way) everytime. He is talking a lot now, smooching with big puckered lips, and just so smart that I cant stand it. Haha. Then I have my daughter, who talks like she is 15. This is not an exaggeration. She will hold a conversation with you like its no big deal, it cracks me up the things she remembers and does/says. She breaks my heart in a completely different way. I was scared of this when we found out we were pregnant again. How could I love another like I loved her? Well, easy!! Thats why Im positive a third baby would bring a whole new element to our lives. But..how on earth can my heart handle such a thing?! I would have to just get used to being a puddle of emotions all the time. ;-)  Anyways, back to my internal battle..every once and a while, I have this feeling of guilt. Especially when I see other Mom's and things there doing with their kids, am I doing a good job? Should I be doing more with my kids? Im sure this is a typical feeling of a parent..maybe? The way they are turning out, I feel Im doing just fine. :) We got a cookie for Silas at Walmart and he told the lady 'Det Doo' which is how he says Thank You. And a lady behind us sneezed and he said 'Bless you!' Besides when he says, Luh Youu....I absolutely love when he says Bless You. Nothing sweeter out of a babies mouth.
I dont really know where Im going with this, and now that I look at the clock its time to get Siara ready for Pre-School. Maybe I'll add onto this later. :)


  1. I know what you mean when you say " am I doing a good job? Should I be doing more with my kids?" (Though I only have one right now) especially when you start comparing to other people's kids. Here's the thing, you only see a window of time into the other family's life. During that window they might be put together, lined in a row, smiling, laughing, bright and shining, but that is not the big picture. There are moments or shadows of moments where tears flow, teeth bite, babies scream, socks are thrown and heads are shook. You just might not get to see those moments.

    There is no one way to raise babies correctly. You could google it all day and find multiple, often conflicting ways to correctly raise a child. Unfortunately, we are used to getting traditional rewards when we do a good job: a gold star, an A+, skittles for making in the toliet. With parenting you have to sometimes search for your praise. But you have proof right here: your son said "bless you " to a complete stranger without prompting, and "thank you" when given a cookie. I'll bet if you were a fly on the wall at that bakery there would be a lot of tears and flailing limbs as the parents try to coax a simple "thank you" out of them.

    Riley will randomly bend down and kiss our dogs, and they will kiss him right back. And while most moms (especially those without dogs) might get grossed out watching my toddler get french kissed by a dog, I think I must be doing something right. He thinks giving kisses should be random and done freely, and I'm okay with that.

  2. Ahh yes, thank you Aubri, I needed to read this. Sometimes I think you are right, I need a Good Job! You're doing great! It feels like all day is spent doing these things, and there is never a, Thank you for taking care of me! LOL..Im getting my reward by watching them grow of course, and all the times they make me laugh, and even when I want to pull my hair out ;-) Thank You.
